The vast majority of women screened as part of The National Cervical Screening Programme will only require smear tests. A small minority (two to five per cent) of all women screened will require further investigation or treatment through a colposcopy service.
CervicalCheck has established a network of quality assured colposcopy clinics in the event that you will require further investigation following your smear test. You can be referred to one of 15 colposcopy clinics located nationwide as part of The National Cervical Screening Programme and The National Maternity Hospital is one of those clinics.
Appointments will only be made on receipt of a referral letter from your smear-taker. These referrals are reviewed by the clinician and an appropriate appointment date will be sent to you. Your referring centre will also be notified.
Referral Criteria
Based on NCSS guidelines: Abnormal Screening:
Refer to Colposcopy if:
- A single positive HPV with any grade of abnormal cytology
- Two positive HPV test one year apart with normal cytology
What should be included in the Referral Letter?
- A copy of the smear results
- Any previous colposcopy history
- Patient contact details including a mobile number
- If patient has any special requirements e.g. interpreting services
Clinic Details
Monday - Friday: 08.30 - 16.00 hrs
Tel: (01) 637 3454 or (01) 637 3484
Fax: (01) 637 3191