- Bengin Gynaecology Clinics
Women may be referred to our Benign Gynaecology Clinics with problems such as:
- Abnormal bleeding (heavy bleeding, irregular, absent or painful periods)
- Fibroids
- Ovarian cysts
- Pelvic pain
- Polycystic ovarian syndrome
- Endometriosis
- Prolapse
- Vaginal discharge or irritation
- Vulval skin problems
- Specialist review of abnormal ultrasound
Clinics operate Monday to Friday.
You will be allocated the next available appointment in the appropriate clinic based on triage of the information provided in the referral letter sent by your GP or Hospital Consultant.
Please continue to attend your GP for medical advice while you wait for your appointment. If you develop new or worsening symptoms and are concerned about your waiting time, your GP can send an updated referral requesting your appointment be expedited.
Referrals for The Benign Gynaecology Clinics
GPs should use the Gynaecology Referral Form on Healthlink or The National Maternity Hospital gynaecology electronic referral form to refer you to the Benign Gynaecology Clinic.
If referring from another hospital, this gynaecology electronic referral form should be completed and emailed to gynaeCRO@nmh.ie.
GPs and consultants should include results / full reports of any completed investigations, and any relevant medical correspondence with the completed referral.
Incomplete referrals will be returned.
- Cervical Review Clinic
Women may be referred to the Cervical Review Clinic if there is a clinical concern following speculum examination performed by a medical professional during routine screening, or during investigations for abnormal bleeding or vaginal discharge.
This clinic is run once a week on a Wednesday by Dr Myra Fitzpatrick, patients are normally seen within six weeks of receipt of referral.
If when you attended your GP, swabs were taken to test for infection please request a copy of these results from your GP.
If between 25 - 65 years of age please send a copy of your last cervical screening result to the Gynaecology Clinic.
Results should be sent by email to gynae@nmh.ie in advance of your appointment. Please include your full name, date of birth and hospital number in any correspondence (your hospital number is on your appointment letter).
GPs should use the Gynaecology Referral Form on Healthlink to refer patients to the Cervical Review Clinic. If a GP does not have access to Healthlink, this gynaecology electronic referral form should be completed and emailed to gynaeCRO@nmh.ie.
- Adolescent Clinic
Our weekly adolescent clinic helps young women, from 12-18 years of age who experience gynaecological problems including heavy menstrual bleeding, absence of periods and ovarian cysts. While serious pathology is rare we appreciate the distress some of these problems can cause. We also provide ongoing care to those adolescents who may need to transition to adult clinics.
The clinic is run by Dr Orla Sheil & Dr Venita Broderick who specialise in adolescent gynaecology.
If you are a teenager with period problems, please attend your GP for advice. Your GP can refer you to the adolescent clinic if they think you would benefit from specialist help. Patients under the age of 16 must attend with a parent or guardian.
GPs should use the Gynaecology Referral Form on Healthlink to refer patients to the adolescent clinic. If a GP does not have access to Healthlink or if referring from another hospital, this gynaecology electronic referral form should be completed and emailed to gynaeCRO@nmh.ie
Gps and consultants should include results / full reports of any completed investigations, and any relevant medical correspondence with the completed referral.
Incomplete referrals will be returned.
- Perineal Clinic
Women who have had a 3rd or 4th degree tear during the delivery of their baby are seen in the perineal clinic. Pregnant women with a history of 3rd degree tear in a previous delivery may also be seen.
The clinic is run once a week by Dr Myra Fitzpatrick and an Advanced Midwife Practitioner.
During your visit to the clinic an assessment of bowel symptoms, a perineal examination and an endo-anal ultrasound (internal scan of the back passage) will be undertaken. Based on the results, a discussion will take place about future delivery etc.
The clinic has links with the Pelvic Floor Centre in St Michael’s Hospital, Dun Laoghaire and if necessary, women may be referred onwards for further assessment.
GPs should use the Gynaecology Referral Form on Healthlink to refer patients to the Perienal Clinic. If a GP does not have access to Healthlink this gynaecology electronic referral form should be completed and emailed to gynaeCRO@nmh.ie. If referring from another hospital please email a comprehensive referral letter to gynaeCRO@nmh.ie.
Please include results / full reports of any completed investigations, and any relevant medical correspondence with the completed referral.
Incomplete referrals will be returned.
- GP Led Coil Clinic
This clinic is led by highly experienced GPs with a special interest in women’s health, under the supervision of a consultant gynaecologist.
You may be referred to this clinic if you are under 45 years of age, have a history of heavy regular bleeding and your GP has recommended an intrauterine coil device (IUCD), when this service is not available at your GP’s practice.
Other reasons for referral include missing intrauterine coil device threads, difficult or unsuccessful insertion of Mirena, Kyleena, Jaydess or Copper coils.
Women attending for coil insertion must bring the device to their appointment as they are not supplied by the hospital.
Your GP will have discussed what device is most suitable for you and issued a prescription that should be ordered at your local pharmacy prior to your appointment date.
To ensure there is no risk of pregnancy at time of appointment, it is important that you do not have unprotected sex for three weeks prior to your appointment unless you are taking a hormone contraceptive.
Follow up care after insertion of coil device is with your GP. A patient aftercare information leaflet is available here.
Referral to this clinic is by GP only. GPs should use the Gynaecology Referral Form on Healthlink to refer patients to the GP Led Coil Clinic. If a GP does not have access to Healthlink, this gynaecology eletronic referral form should be completed and emailed to; gynaeCRO@nmh.ie.