Your first antenatal appointment is also known as your booking visit/booking appointment. This visit normally takes place when you are between 11 and 12 weeks pregnant. If you start your antenatal care later than this, we will aim to schedule your booking appointment as soon as possible.
Your first visit will last approximately 2 hours. It will include your dating scan in Merrion Ultrasound after which you return to Fitzwilliam Semi Private Clinic where a midwife will take your booking history and booking bloods. If you have already had your booking history taken by phone or video call, then your booking visit will be shorter.
Please note, your first visit with your consultant will be at 14 – 16 weeks. Your follow up antenatal visits will take approximately 1 hour unless you require any additional or specialist care during pregnancy.
While we try to keep waiting times to a minimum, unfortunately there are times when delays are unavoidable.
Please arrive no sooner than 10 minutes before your appointment. One nominated support person is welcome to attend your appointment with you.
If you need to change your booking appointment, please contact or phone the semi-private clinic on 01 637 3537, 01 637 3580 or 01 637 3581 so that we are able to give your appointment slot to someone else.
What to expect at your visit