The Early Transfer Home Service (ETH) provides midwifery led postnatal care, support and advice in the comfort of your own home. Women availing of this service go home from hospital 12-36 hours after the birth of their baby. This service is offered to all women who have availed of public care during their pregnancy, who are suitable for the service, and who are living in the ETH catchment area.
The Early Transfer Home Service (ETH) midwife comes around every morning to the postnatal ward and offers the service to eligible women. You can also let your midwife on the postnatal ward know if you are interested in availing of the service.
Your midwife home visits begin the day after your discharge and usually continue for 5-7 days post birth, depending on your clinical needs. Please note the ETH service includes weighing your baby and performing the New-Born Blood Spot Screening.
The ETH service operates 365 days a year.
A public health nurse will also visit you at home after the birth of your baby. They will contact you by phone and will arrange a visit in first week after your birth.