Patient Advocacy

Patient Advocacy Support Service is here to help and empower the complainant in the healthcare complaint process.  This may range from offering information or advice, to organising and attending meetings with the complainant, to enabling them to articulate their needs, and / or involve support after a complaint was made.

The Patient Advocacy Officers are part of the Quality Department and report to the Quality Manager.

The Quality Department is responsible for maintaining quality improvement priorities through communication to staff and external partners of key patient safety, quality information and best practice.

Can you help us please? To help us improve the Patient Experience in our Hospital can you take 10 minutes please to complete our Patient Experience Survey?

If you are unable to complete our online complaints form please contact our Patient Advocacy Officers.

Contact Details

Jenny Mc Crea & Roisin Moran

Patient Advocacy Officers
National Maternity Hospital
Quality Department
Holles Street
Dublin 2

Office hours;
Monday – Friday
08.00-15.00 hours

Tel:(01) 6373392/3262


Complaints Policy

If you wish to give us feedback on your experience in The National Maternity Hospital, we would be grateful for your comments. Click on the Written Feedback Form below and we will get back to you within 5 working days.

Please click HERE for the link to our Online Feedback Form.

Please click HERE for our Feedback Management Policy.

Cliceáil ANSEO le haghaidh ár bPolasaí Bainistíochta Aiseolai.

Useful Information

IEHG – Review Officer
Review Officer ‘Request for Review’, Ireland East Hospital Group
Ireland East Hospital Group
c/o Mater Misericordiae University Hospital,
Eccles Street,
Dublin D07 R2WY
+353-1- 9602421

Office of the Ombudsman, 18 Lower Leeson Street, Dublin 2.
Tel:         +353-1-6395600           LoCall: 1890 22 30 30 (from outside 01 area)
Fax:        +353-1-6395674

Patient Voice Group

If you currently are or ever have been a patient in our hospital and are interested in becoming a member of our Patient Voice Group, you can register your interest here. The patient Voice Group meets on the second Wednesday of every month. The Group consists of ex-service users and members of the hospital team where quality initiatives are suggested and discussed by all.

Patient Advocacy Service

The Patient Advocacy Service provides a free, independent and confidential service to help users of public acute hosptials making or intending to make a formal complaint in relation to the care they have received. 

You can make your query online at or by calling the national line 0818 293003