We are a team of mental health professionals who work with women, their infant’s and their family/support person to help stay as well as possible during pregnancy and after birth. The clinical team has a range of clinical experience and expertise to support you with your mental health needs during pregnancy and up to six months postnatally.
- We work together with you, your family/support person and other healthcare professionals and services involved in your care.
- We have expertise in working with women with complex, serious mental health difficulties who are pregnant and after birth.
- We accept referrals for preconception advice.
- We offer an assessment and intervention service for any woman attending the hospital who is suffering from, has suffered from, or is at a significant risk of developing mental health problems during her pregnancy or in the postnatal period e.g. bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, depression or major anxiety, eating disorders, etc.
- We can advise on the benefits and on risks of any psychiatric medication during pregnancy and while breastfeeding
- We can support and advise on the mother baby relationship
We will agree a plan with you to try to keep you well. Individual plans may vary and will depend on the level of support you need. However sometimes we may need to refer you to an appropriate service outside of the hospital.
- We do not provide a general counselling service.
- Unfortunately, the service does not have the capacity to accept emergency walk in attendances.
- The team are available for telephone advice/consultation regarding medication etc.
- Emergency referrals should be referred to local catchment mental health services or Emergency Department/Liaison psychiatric service.
Two Virtual Antenatal Classes are offered:
One suitable for all antenatal patients and their partners called “Healthy Minds in Pregnancy and Beyond”.
One suitable to both antenatal or postnatal patients and their partners called “Supporting Postnatal Emotional Wellbeing”.
To book, just e-mail classes@nmh.ie.
Service Providers
- Dr. Catherine Hinds (Consultant Perinatal Psychiatrist)
- Dr. Cornelia Carey (Senior Registrar in Psychiatry)
- Dr. Aoife Menton (Senior Clinical Psychologist)
- Adele Kane (Senior Mental Health Social Worker)
- Fidelma Shortall (Occupational Therapist)
- Megan O’Malley (CNS in Mental Health)
- Elaine Smyth (CNS in Mental Health)
- Georgina Mulligan (Mental health Midwife)
- Deirdre Molloy (Mental Health Midwife)
Administration Hours
Monday - Friday: 08.00-15.00hrs
Tel: (01) 637 3128 / (01) 637 3100 (switch)
Referral Email: spmhs@nmh.ie
(We do not accept self-referrals)