- Wellbeing in pregnancy classes
This is a series of four live online classes focussing on promoting wellness and maintaining good health in pregnancy and beyond. Ideally, women should come as early as possible in the pregnancy, however you are welcome at any stage.
Each class starts at 9am and will last approximately 1.5 hours.
- 1st Friday of the month: 'Healthy Pregnancy and Medication Safety' led by a Midwife and Pharmacist.
- 2nd Friday of the month: Healthy Bodies' led by a Physiotherapist.
- 3rd Friday of the month: 'Healthy eating' led by a Dietitian.
- 4th Friday of the month: Healthy Minds' led by the Mental Health Team.
These classes are a great opportunity to meet a midwife, physiotherapist, dietitian, pharamacist and mental health midwife early in your pregnancy, and can help lay the foundation for a positive experience for you.
For more information and to book the Wellbeing in Pregnancy Classes, please e-mail classes@nmh.ie or call Susan on (01) 637 3499. When emailing, please include the following information:
- The name you are registered to the hospital under.
- When you are due (Estimated Delivery Date - EDD)
- Date of birth
- Your Hospital number
- Whether it is your first baby
- If there is anything in particular we need to know about you
If you do not receive a reply from us, please check your spam folder as there is sometimes an issue with hotmail, yahoo and gmail.
You will be sent one meeting link for all four classes. You are free to pick and choose classes to attend.
To get the most from this set of classes, we recommend that you take time to go through the 'Guide to Keeping Well in Pregnancy' on our eLearning Hub
- Classes for First Time Parents
Classes for First Time Parents
We provide a set of three classes for first time parents. You have the option to do these classes either online or in-person. Online classes are held on Tuesday and Thursday mornings, while in-person classes are held on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays in The National Maternity Hospital's Antenatal Classroom in 65 Mount Street, D02NX40.
We suggest you inquire about enrolling into your classes at about 25 weeks pregnant, with a view to starting them at about 30 weeks. This will give you time to practice the excercises and strategies you will learn in class one.
Numbers for the in-person classes are strictly capped so please don't book in for these classes if you don't feel you can attend the full set.
- Class one will cover preparation for labour and childbirth, and the first, second and third stage of labour. We know that a positive birthing experience can positively affect a woman’s long term wellbeing, and aim to empower women and their partners to believe in themselves through a partnership approach.
- Class two will cover interventions such as instrumental delivery, emergency c section and induction of labour. It will also start the postnatal journey of the mother.
- Class three will focus on the baby with practical babycare demonstrations, and a focus on infant mental health.
For an overview of the programme content please click here.
All classes are designed to complement and build on the information in the eLearning hub and you will find them more beneficial if you have reviewed the relevant modules before your classes.
The NMH Guide to Labour and Delivery:
The NMH Guide to Caring for Yourself and Your Baby after Birth:
To book your set of three classes email: classes@nmh.ie or call Susan (01) 637 3499.
When emailing, please include the following information:
- The name you used to register with the hospital
- When you are due (Estimated Delivery Date - EDD)
- Date of birth
- Your Hospital number
- Whether it is your first baby
- If there is anything in particular we need to know about you
If you do not receive a reply from us, please check your spam folder as there is sometimes an issue with hotmail, yahoo and gmail.
Women's only Classes for First Time Parents
We now offer the choice to attend our set of three First Time Parent’s Classes in a women’s only format.
The women’s only Classes for First Time Parents are held on Tuesday afternoons, 14.00 -17.15 in The National Maternity Hospital's Antenatal Classroom in 65 Mount Street, D02NX40.
All of the booking information and detail on the classes is the same as outlined directly above in the Classes for First Time Parents section.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at classes@nmh.ie
- Virtual "Partners" class
This is an online class for partners only. It is designed to give partners the opportunity to ask questions and clarify information. It is open to partners who have attended other antenatal education classes, and those who were unable to attend classes. The format is flexible and will be guided by the questions and interactions that occur within each class.
It is held once a month 17.00-19.00 hrs.
- Young Mums and Dads
These are classes aimed at the younger mother and father (late teens to approximately 21 years of age).
They are small, in person, interactive classes facilitated by a midwife. The aim is that you will come to two classes; the first will focus on labour and the second will focus on babycare.
Feel free to bring a friend/support person if your partner can't come.
Each class lasts approximately 2 hours. Its a great opportunity to ask questions and meet other young parents.
For further information: email Susan classes@nmh.ie
When enquiring, please include:
- Name you are registered under.
- DOB.
- Expected date of delivery.
- Hospital number (if you have it).
- Refresher class for women who have a child already
This class is designed for women and partner/support person: who have had a previous vaginal delivery and aims to help prepare for this pregnancy's labour and delivery. It is a three hour interactive class and can be done online or in person. It is run twice a month alternating the online and in person (face to face) option. It is facilitated by a midwife.
When booking the session, please include the following:
- Name you are registered to the hospital under.
- Hospital number.
- Estimated date of delivery
- Is there anything significant we need to know about your previous/current pregnacy?
We offer a stand alone babycare class for those who would like a babycare refresher.
- VBAC class: Vaginal Birth After Caesarean Section class
This class is designed to support women and partners who have had a previous caesarean section and are hoping for a vaginal delivery in this pregnancy. This is known as a VBAC - Vaginal Birth After Caesarean section.
It is a three hour class which aims to empower women to maximise their chances of a vaginal delivery, and is facilitated by a midwife.
It is held approximately twice a month and you have the option to attend either an online or in person (face to face) class. We aim to alternate the in-person class with the online class to facilitate choice.
Partners/support person welcome.
When booking into the class please include:
- Name you are registered to the hospital under.
- Hospital number.
- DOB.
- Estimated date of delivery
- Is there anything significant we need to know about your previous/current pregnacy?
- Preparation for a planned (elective) caesarean section
This class is designed for women and their partner/support person where it has been decided that a planned (elective) caesarean section is the most likely delivery method. 
It is facilitated by a midwife and aims to prepare women for their Caesarean Section. It is a three hour online class, and is held once a month.
Partners are welcome.
When booking the class, please include.
- Name you are registered to the hospital under.
- Hospital number.
- DOB.
- Estimated date of delivery
- Is there anything significant we need to know about your previous/current pregnacy?
- Introduction to Hypnobirthing
This is a four hour, interactive, online class, designed to introduce women and their partners to the principles of hypnobirthing. It builds on the skills you will have learnt about in the "preperation for childbirth" "refresher" or "VBAC" classes, and aims to instill a greater confidence in you in preperation for your birthing journey.
It is recommended that first time parents do the "Preperation for labour and childbirth" class before the Introduction to Hypnobirthing, however this is not essential.
Partners are encouraged to attend. It is held once a month.
- Twins class
This class is designed to help a woman and her partner who are expecting twins, navigate pregnancy and childbirth. It is a three hour, online class and runs approximately once a month.
- Preparation for breastfeeding class
This class is facilitated by lactation consultants and will help start a positive breastfeeding journey. Further information is available on the Breastfeeding page. 
- Virtual class: On the 3rd Wednesday of every month. Via Webex from 18.00-20.00
- In person: On the first Wednesday or Friday of every month*. It takes place in the Lecture Theatre in 65/66 Mount St. (*Please see table below)

- Partners are encouraged to attend.
- Colostrum Harvesting Information Session
An Information Session on Colostrum Harvesting is held from 9.30 - 10.30am every Friday, in The NMH, Mount St Lower entrance Ground Floor Boardroom*.
*Except for the following Fridays in 2025: 24th January, 16th May, 27th June, 10th October and 21st Novemeber. On those dates, the Information Session on Colostrum Harvesting will be held in the Outpatients Department (OPD).
No booking is required.
Free Colostrum Harvesting Kits are available at this session.
- Mental wellbeing classes
Our Perinatal Mental Team have developed two classes focussing on mental wellbeing in pregnancy and beyond.
Email classes@nmh.ie for more details and an invite.
- "Healthy Bodies After Birth" information session
The "Healthy Bodies After Birth" information session is facilitated by a chartered physiotherapist.
It is held online, via webex, every Friday morning 11.00-12.30.
It is suitable for all women towards the end of pregnancy or in the first three months after birth.
Physiotherapy page : https://www.nmh.ie/support-services/physiotherapy.13642.html
To book: email njordan@nmh.ie
- Dietitian classes
Our classes and groups take place online.
It’s very important that you dedicate the allocated time and a quiet place for your online group or class.
Tús Maith (‘A Good Start’) Class
This is an online group session led by one of our Dietitians. It provides useful information and support for women starting pregnancy with a high BMI. For information on our Tús Maith (Good Start) class.
Topics covered include specific pregnancy changes, eating well, staying active and breastfeeding. You will also get printed guides to healthy eating including ideas for recipes and healthy snacks.
Who can attend the class?
Women starting pregnancy with a high body weight / BMI greater than 25 kg/m2.
Ask your hospital doctor, midwife or dietitian to refer you to the ‘Tús Maith’ (‘A Good Start’) class, or contact The Dietetic Service directly to book a place (contact details above). You will be sent a letter with a date and time for your class along with an online link.
When is the class held?
The class is held on the last Monday of every month and lasts approximately 1 hour.
If you would like an individual appointment with a dietitian after you have attended the class, please let the dietitian leading the class know on the day or contact us on (01) 637 3314 and we will arrange this for you.
Nausea and Vomiting in Pregnancy Support Group
This is an interactive online group led by one of our Dietitians. The dietitian provides support and guidance for women who are suffering with hyperemesis and nausea and vomiting in pregnancy.
Topics include managing your nausea and vomiting medications, hydration, food suggestions and more tips. Patients who attend the group are emailed support information afterwards.
Who can attend?
Women who are suffering with hyperemesis and nausea and vomiting in pregnancy and are referred by their doctor or midwife.
If you are experiencing nausea and vomiting and would like to attend this group speak to your doctor, midwife or dietitian who can refer you. You will be sent a letter with a date and time for your class along with an online link.
When is the class?
Every Wednesday at 12:30pm for approximately 1 hour.
If you would like an individual appointment with a dietitian after you have attended the group, please let the dietitian leading the group know on the day or contact us on Tel: (01) 637 3314 and we will arrange this for you.
Feeding my Baby at Home: The Early Days
This is an interactive online session for parents of babies who were born at The National Maternity Hospital. The class provides useful tips and support for parents feeding their new baby at home.
We suggest attending in the first 2-4 weeks after you and your baby return home from the hospital.
The class is facilitated by a Dietitian, Speech and Language Therapist and Lactation Consultant.
Topics include sleep-wake cycles, feeding cues, feeding your baby supplements, growth and common feeding issues. This is an interactive session and we encourage you to come with questions.
Who can attend?
Parents of babies born in The National Maternity Hospital.
Email babydiet@nmh.ie or telephone 01 637 3314
When is the session?
The session takes place online every 2 weeks – generally on a Friday at 12 noon and lasts less than 1 hour. When you make your booking, we will send you an email with the date and time of the session and a link to join online.
The Nutrition and Dietetics Service provide Neonatal Nutrition Classes for babies who have been in the Neonatal Unit.
Introducing Solid Foods and Textures to my Baby after the Neonatal Unit
This is an interactive online class for parents of babies who spent time in the Neonatal Unit at The National Maternity Hospital.
We suggest attending this class from when your baby is approximately 4 to 5 months corrected age (after their due date) to help prepare for introducing solids at around 6 months corrected age.
The class is facilitated by a Dietitian, Speech and Language Therapist and an Occupational Therapist.
Topics include introducing foods to your baby’s diet, timing, baby communication and signs of readiness, postural control, advancing textures, gagging and choking, seating, utensils, food groups and foods to avoid. You are welcome to ask questions.
Who can attend?
Parents of babies who spent time in the Neonatal Unit at The National Maternity Hospital.
Email babydiet@nmh.ie, telephone 01 637 3314 or ask staff in the Neonatal Unit or Baby Clinic to refer you.
When is the class?
This class takes place online monthly, usually on a Wednesday at 11am and lasts approximately 1 hour. When you make your booking, we will send you an email with the date and time of the class and a link to join online.
- Antenatal videos in conjunction with whatsupmum
Antenatal videos in conjunction with Whatsupmum
We have been working with Whatsupmum to bring you short, focused, educational videos, which you can watch in your own time. We hope that you will find them helpful and would love to hear your feedback.
For Pregnancy related videos, please visit https://whatsupmum.ie/pregnancy-videos/pregnancy-videos/
For Parent Craft videos, please visit https://whatsupmum.ie/parentcraft-classes/parentcraft-class/
- Information for patients on blood group and transfusions
Information for patients on blood group and transfusions
If Your Blood Group is RhD-negative
A leaflet is available to explain the standard of care given to pregnant women who have been identified as having an RhD-negative blood group.
Blood Transfusion Information for Patients
Leaflets are also available to help explain blood transfusions for mothers and babies and why you may need one.