What is a Consultant Obstetrician?
A Consultant Obstetrician is a qualified medical doctor who has undergone extensive additional training to care for women with complicated pregnancies. They can also care for women with normal risk pregnancies. Obstetrics is the branch of medicine which deals with the care of women during pregnancy, childbirth and the postnatal period. Pregnancy and labour are not illnesses and so the specialism of obstetrics focuses specifically upon pregnancies and labours which are complicated by health risks. A senior obstetrician usually leads a team of obstetric doctors.
Consultant Led Care
Consultant Led Care means that a team of doctors and midwives led by a Consultant Obstetrician provide care throughout your pregnancy, birth and after the birth of your baby.
Consultant Led Care is the pathway most suitable for women who have risk factors in pregnancy e.g. a known medical condition or a history of a previous complicated pregnancy or birth which may require the oversight or input of a doctor. If you have health concerns or if your baby is unwell, Consultant Led Care will provide you and your baby with an opportunity to achieve the best possible outcome. If your pregnancy is normal risk you can also choose to attend a Consultant Led clinic if that is your preference.
If you are attending a Midwife Led Clinic and develop a problem during your pregnancy, you may be referred to a Consultant Led Clinic for review. If after reviewing your individual circumstances the consultant decides that your pregnancy is not at a higher risk of complications, they will revert your care back to Midwife Led Care. If your pregnancy is more complex, the Consultant may recommend additional monitoring of you and/or your baby throughout your pregnancy, such as additional growth scans, blood tests or appointments, or referral to one of our specialist clinics . They will discuss their recommendations for your care in detail. If this is the case you will continue your pregnancy under the care of a named Consultant.